Docker compose: combine two applications under a single nginx gateway
by Stanislav on Monday Nov 14, 2022
Docker compose is a really handy tool in the world of DevOps, it allows to combine multiple Docker containers within a single monolithic app. And moreover it’s possible to have a bunch of such apps hosted within a server. It sounds like a cool feature, but what if we would like to share services between some of these apps or even more: have a single gateway that relays all incoming internet communications to the appropriate app? In this post we’ll see how to handle such situation.
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Odoo configuration while going live
by Stanislav on Tuesday May 03, 2022
Setting up Odoo instance on your dev-machine can be really straight forward, but when it comes to real live system, the server will require more specific things to be configured. In current post we’ll see what are those things and how to manage them.
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Implement REST-endpoint in Odoo and invoke it
by Stanislav on Monday Apr 05, 2021
REST is an architectural style to build HTTP based webservices. We can claim it is a de-facto standard to create interoperable APIs for multiple app integrations. And it’s pretty often required to integrate Odoo with other 3d-party software. In this article we will figure out how to do it.
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Using Javascript in Odoo snippet options
by Stanislav on Monday Mar 08, 2021
Hi there, this post is dedicated to the theme of Odoo snippet options extension using Javascript. Basically it extends the previous post about snippet options (link), adding a set of Odoo programming techniques that help to solve different tasks related to snippet options using JS.
So first of all let’s start with an example of a slider (carousel) snippet defined in Odoo 14. We won’t dig into all round comprehensive code of the slider, but concentrate on main points only. The code of the slider:
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Defining a snippet option in Odoo
by Stanislav on Saturday Feb 27, 2021
This post is dedicated to the topic of snippet option creation in Odoo. We all know that a snippet in Odoo is a pretty useful tool to build site pages – just drag and drop it on a page and that’s it - page is ready. Along with the snippets there’re options available to dynamically change snippet look either it’s a custom or out-of-the-box snippet. But what if a snippet has no the option we need, then we can add this option using Odoo configuration. In this post we’ll see how to manage this.
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Liferay 7: deploy module using gradle script
by Stanislav on Monday Jun 01, 2020
In Liferay 7 the task of automatic module deployment can be very useful, especially if you continuously develop your code on daily basis. Starting from 7 version of Liferay, project build framework switched mainly from Maven to Gradle. Gradle’s build procedure consists of subsequent tasks execution, these tasks are defined and generated during new Liferay module creation. But there’s no ‘deploy’ task – a common task that speeds up the dev-process. In this post we’ll get to know how to solve that.
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Odoo module upgrade on multiple databases
by Stanislav on Sunday Apr 28, 2019
This post provides the script that solves the problem of automated module upgrade on multiple databases in Odoo 10.
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Invoke Liferay service externally
by Stanislav on Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Hi there, in this post we’ll take a look at the problem of Liferay 7 service invocation from the external app
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Liferay 7 DXP + SAML single sign-on (SSO)
by Stanislav on Tuesday May 01, 2018
Hi there, this post dedicated to the topic of SSO authentication within Liferay 7 DXP version. Single sign-on is a pretty popular property that allows users to access multiple applications using same credentials without re-login. And SAML is a language that allows cross-party communications to validate and authenticate a user.
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Liferay 7: override Resource Permissions
by Stanislav on Saturday Jul 22, 2017
In Liferay 6 when you needed to change default permission set for some resource, then Ext plugin could be used to override such definitions. The reason of Ext using was the point that all permission definitions were stored in portal-impl.jar and Ext was the only way to override it. Starting from Liferay 7 the portal is moving to OSGi architecture where the other rules take place. Since now each OSGi module (e.g. Calendar) has its permissions defined in its own module, and not in the core of the portal. That’s why a new approach should be applied and this post shows how to achieve this.
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Alfresco Solr: enable search of special characters
by Stanislav on Monday May 01, 2017
Alfresco’s out of the box search engine Solr is configured in a way that searching of special characters is disabled by default. So, for instance, if you would like to find all documents in a system containing “c++” string then you may get tons (depending on the uploaded documents amount) of results that contain “C”-character without “++”-signs in its name and content: document content Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, search key c++, results “Fusce”, “ac”, “cursus”, “commodo”. In order to configure the correct search behavior please follow down to read current post.
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How to build Liferay theme using SDK and Ant
by Stanislav on Thursday Mar 23, 2017
Liferay Theming is a very common Liferay technology that widely used to define the look of a portal. It consist of different sets of Javascript, CSS and HTML delivered as a single WAR-file, which should have a special folder structure and configuration files. To create and build such WAR, Liferay SDK can be used that is designed to automate the process of Liferay Theme development. This article describes how to build already existing Theme and customize it using Liferay SDK Ant builder.
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Odoo 10 setup and debug in Eclipse
by Stanislav on Tuesday Jan 24, 2017
Hi everyone, I’m writing this post to describe an installation process of Odoo and its debug in Eclipse IDE on Windows. There are articles exist on the internet dedicated to this theme, but none of them covers this task in relation to Odoo version 10. Odoo 10 differs from the other versions, plus it ships with another set of setup files, so if you’re interested in detailed description of Odoo setup in Eclipse – this post may be helpful.
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Liferay PHP Portlets: a few recommendations prior development
by Stanislav on Wednesday Dec 14, 2016
It’s well known, that Liferay includes special types of portlets called PHP Portlets which allow to use a standard PHP code in order to provide desired functionality. But there are some issues may occur during PHP-portlet development that are not so evident to fix and find a solution on the internet. Such common issues are covered in this post, solutions to them are also provided.
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Liferay: Play Video in Popup Window
by Stanislav on Saturday Oct 15, 2016
During Liferay customizations one may need to embed playable videos to portal: to a body of a page or to a popup. There are different posts exist on the internet about how to create a popup in Liferay, but none of them covers this common task – a video within a window. And in this article we’ll see 2 short ways how we can accomplish that.
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