Alfresco: extend Share javascript component
by Stanislav on Tuesday Sep 27, 2016
There is very common task that many developers face during Alfresco Share customization – how to extend client side javascript of a Share component. We all know that Alfresco combines for a component both server side javascript as well as a client side JS. For the first case Alfresco provides Module extension approach to alter server side JS and for the second case – the answer is not so clear. Sure we can modify core JS files directly on a web server, but it’s a bad practice since they can be later overwritten during Alfresco update, so it’s better to use extensions keeping changes in separate files. In this article we’ll take as an example the core Discussions Dashlet and then modify its client side javascript code.
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Liferay 7 embed Language Portlet in Header
by Stanislav on Wednesday Jul 20, 2016
Hey there, the new Liferay 7 is out now. With this version we become a brand new concept (which implements the OSGi specification) of Liferay Plugins development and integration within a portal. Having OSGi implemented, Liferay moves from a hack-like style of Plugin management, where each Plugin is a separate web application stored as a war-file on an app server, to a much cleaner concept. There are many global changes in Liferay 7 and in this post we’ll see how to insert Language Portlet to custom Theme header in accordance with this new architecture.
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Linux PostgreSQL automated backups (Alfresco ECM as an example)
by Stanislav on Tuesday Jul 05, 2016
One of the common tasks for any online business is to keep its data consistent. To achieve this task a database backing up technique can be used. PostgreSQL is a wide spread DBMS that is very popular within web application world and in this guide we’ll see how to automate backups creation process for PostgreSQL on Linux taking as an example Alfresco ECM web application.
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Enable SSL https for Alfresco or any other web application
by Stanislav on Wednesday Jun 08, 2016
Enabling of SSL-secured connection for some web application (Alfresco ECM, for instance) is a very common task within web community. That’s right, most of the companies running their own business over the internet require a protection of exchanged data. In current post I’ll show how to switch on such connection by means of Apache Web Server.
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Alfresco CAD (dxf, dwg) preview support
by Stanislav on Tuesday Apr 05, 2016
Hey there! Recently I got a chance to implement CAD format (DXF, DWG) support within Alfresco Share 5.0 so users could preview engineering documents. What’s an Alfresco previewer? The main concept lying behind it is to convert all variety of complex formats (doc, excel, txt, etc.) to a single one – PDF which is then can be rendered by Alfresco previewer. To handle word/excel/other conversion OpenOffice is used, to support DXF and DWG we need to find an appropriate CAD to PDF converter. To do this I will take a look at existing converters, evaluate them and show how to inject one of them to Alfresco to provide the preview of engineering drawings. This solution will work on Alfresco 5 (4th should also be fine) on Windows and Linux.
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Софт 29: Основные направления деятельности
by Stanislav on Tuesday Mar 01, 2016
Компания Софт29 является одним из ведущих экспертов по внедрению систем электронного документооборота на базе Alfresco и корпоративных порталов на Liferay по Северо-Западному округу и другим регионам РФ, в том числе г. Москва, Санкт-Петербург
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Liferay 7 alpha/beta ServiceBuilder
by Stanislav on Sunday Jan 31, 2016
Hey, we are all watching with great interest to the first coming stable Liferay 7 release (link). By now alpha and even beta releases are available for testing, they include new cool features and improvements. But still some old functionality is not migrated to the new releases. In this post I’ll talk about ServiceBuilder which is still not officially published and is missing in current alphas and betas. Anyway it is possible to find and use Liferay 7 ServiceBuilder (in liferay-ce repository). In this post I’ll show how to do it.
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Alfresco: resolve node path programmatically in Java
by Stanislav on Thursday Nov 19, 2015
If you have a requirement to retrieve a particular Node path within an Alfresco repository by means of Java then this article for you. Also I’ll show how to get a subpath of this path and use it in Lucene search queries.
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Alfresco basic content operations in Java
by Stanislav on Wednesday Oct 28, 2015
The post is dedicated to the task of file (content) operations (create, search, copy, aspect management) in Alfresco Java. As an example is taken some production case which demonstrates how to implement all these operations.
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Invoke an action of core Liferay portlet
by Stanislav on Friday Sep 11, 2015
Liferay is shipped with a bunch of certain preinstalled portlets, such as Documents and Media, Message Boards, Asset Publisher, etc. Each of these portlets has a set of predefined struts actions (definitions can be found under ROOT/WEB-INF/struts-config.xml) which are invoked upon some user action in current portlet. During a custom portlet development there is a need may occur to call any of these actions, for example folder create/update/delete of Documents and Media (Document Library), without copying a core functionality to custom portlet. This article will demonstrate how to make it work, taking as an example Move Folder action of Documents and Media portlet.
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Alfresco custom rules and actions in java
by Stanislav on Monday Aug 17, 2015
Post is dedicated to the task of rules and actions development in Alfresco Java. As an example is taken some production case which demonstrates how to implement this task.
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Alfresco Extension Module evaluators
by Stanislav on Thursday Jul 30, 2015
Since Alfresco 4 the extension modules were presented which allow to change/extend default Share components. This is very useful when we need to perform some minor changes to the graphical user interface within Alfresco. In this tutorial I will present how to implement such kind of module having as an example Share’s Site Members Dashlet that we’ll hide or show depending on user role. Evaluator logic will be implemented in Java.
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Liferay upload files programmatically in java
by Stanislav on Friday Jul 17, 2015
If you have a requirement to implement a file upload form in your Liferay portlet then this article for you. In this post I will provide a simple upload jsp form and java code snippet that handles file upload action and stores uploaded file to Liferay document library.
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Liferay: execute java code as administrator user
by Stanislav on Wednesday Jul 01, 2015
During Liferay java code development you may need to run your code as administrator user. This can happen when some user logged in with a restricted role, but it is required to execute an user action with higher privileges (admin or others). The examples of these user actions: grant permissions to some folder or file, search for content in spaces which the user does not belong to, perform system actions (create new role in portal etc.) and many others. In this blog post I’ll show how to make it possible.
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Liferay get administrator user programmatically in Java
by Stanislav on Monday Jun 22, 2015
If you need to retrieve a Liferay User with Administrator role in your Java code, then this article for you.
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